Our Plants

Installed Plants

Siaya Plant

Our inaugural plant launched in 2014 by the First Lady Mrs. Margaret Kenyatta, the plant was set up as a PPP between GE Foundation, Hewatele and Siaya County. The plant currently serves over 10 Counties with oxygen and oxygen accessories.

Installed Plants

Nakuru Plant

The Nakuru plant is a partnership between the Nakuru County and Hewatele with the support of Grand Challenges Canada. This plant has twice the capacity of the Siaya plant and, together with the Nairobi plant is expected to cover over 15 counties neighboring Nakuru and the North Rift.

Installed Plants

Nairobi Plant

Launched in March 2018 by the Deputy President of Kenya, H.E Dr William Samoei Ruto, the plant is also a PPP between Nairobi County, Hewatele, UNICEF and with Grand Challenges Canada as the development partner. The plant is designed to serve the needs of Nairobi and neighboring counties.

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